Percussion revolvers, carbines and rifles of the world


After beeing a bayonet collector I became percussion revolever collector, and then percussion guns collector of transient era…. I blame my collegue Jaro for this, he showed me first examples, Remington and Devisme as far as I can recall. Probably should consult a doctor about this passion for collecting. And bayonets are still there in the attic, and I sometimes still buy some unique pieces when I spot them.

Why percussion revolvers and guns? Probably because they are the most advanced kind of personal weapon that is free for adult persons here in Poland. And probably because their era was so short and they witnessed the rapid advancement in firearms design. And because they witnessed a few important historical events, like American Civil War or Crimean war and others. I also collect carbines and rifles of this short time period,  between simple muzzleloaders and weapons that used centerfire ammunition.

This site is my own knowlege base that I share as it grows. I gladly present it and I’m open to any contact and remarks from other collectors.

WooCommerce Shop module is convenient to present all samples with some features like sorting and searching just for reference. Once I have to sell my collection I just add prices and this should work. Ocasionally I will also sell some pieces, mostly duplicates from my collection. That is why I will implement PayPal payments. I live in Poland, EU, so I can also put my items to popular auction sites like eGun, Delcampe, Naturabuy, Tradera and other. But I think there is no point in giving them 10% fees.

I will periodically post some texts in blog section of this webpage, pertaining to various aspects of percussion revolvers and carbines designs, history and collecting.